2024 Incidents
January 76
February 57
March 32
April 43
May 39
June 67
July 48
August 145
Total 507

2023 Incidents
January 50
February 59
March 31
April 52
May 47
June 42
July 42
August 42
September 57
October 66
November 56
December 32
Total 576

2022 Incidents
January 50
February 53
March 43
April 42
May 46
June 57
July 41
August 50
September 67
October 58
November 44
December 69
Total 620

2021 Incidents
January 27
February 30
March 41
April 33
May 53
June 37
July 62
August 61
September 61
October 58
November 36
December 68
Total 567

2020 Incidents
January 34
February 32
March 25
April 21
May 34
June 27
July 39
August 46
September 51
October 36
November 44
December 31
Total 420

2019 Incidents
January 47
February 45
March 40
April 37
May 41
June 35
July 62
August 36
September 62
October 54
November 53
December 47
Total 559

2018 Incidents
January 65
February 36
March 29
April 81
May 62
June 31
July 47
August 47
September 60
October 68
November 53
December 32
Total 611

2017 Incidents
January 30
February 44
March 53
April 53
May 46
June 53
July 60
August 50
September 62
October 54
November 53
December 38
Total 596

2016 Incidents
January 34
February 61
March 34
April 48
May 40
June 34
July 44
August 51
September 55
October 54
November 34
December 43
Total 532

2015 Incidents
January 40
February 54
March 33
April 48
May 53
June 32
July 49
August 55
September 39
October 44
November 44
December 47
Total 538

Previous Incidents
2009 518
2010 550
2011 524
2012 549
2013 534
2014 523
2015 538
2016 532
2017 596
2018 611
2019 559
2020 420
2021 567
2022 620
2023 576

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Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery!

Firefighters know the importance of home fire safety. That's why the men and women of the Potsdam Fire Department encourage participation in the annual home fire safety program called:

Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery!

Sponsored by the International Association of Fire Chiefs and Energizer brand batteries, the program urges you to adopt a simple lifesaving habit: Change all of your Smoke Alarm batteries when you change your clocks back to Standard Time each Fall.

Protecting your home is simple: Change, Check, Count and Clean!

 Change Your Smoke Alarm Batteries! Your Smoke Alarm Needs a Fresh Battery!

The Potsdam Fire Department encourages you to change Smoke Alarm batteries at least once each year. An easy way to remember is to change these batteries when you change your clock back to Standard Time each Fall. Replace old batteries with fresh, high quality batteries to keep your Smoke Alarms ready to protect you all year-long.

 Check Your Smoke Alarms! Find and use the test button on your Smoke Alarm!

After inserting fresh batteries in your Smoke Alarm, make sure the Alarm is working by activating the safety test button. The Potsdam Fire Department recommends that you test all of your Smoke Alarms at least once each month. If you have any doubt regarding the working condition of a Smoke Alarm, we recommend you replace it.

 Count Your Smoke Alarms! A working Smoke Alarm?

The Potsdam Fire Department recommends you have a properly functioning Smoke Alarm in every sleeping room and in the hallway directly adjacent to those rooms. If sleeping rooms are on an upper level, a Smoke Alarm must also be installed in the center of the ceiling directly above the interior stairway.

It's best to have at least one working Smoke Alarm on every level of your home, including the basement and family room. To assure optimal protection and avoid false alarms, your Smoke Alarm must be mounted properly. You'll find simple instructions included with every Smoke Alarm you purchase. Should questions remain, we encourage you to visit or contact your Neighborhood Fire Station.

 Clean Your Smoke Alarms! Vacuum Clean Your Smoke Alarm

Help your Smoke Alarm remain sensitive and ready to protect you by gently using a vacuum cleaner once a month to remove dust and cobwebs. If your Smoke Alarms have been accidentally painted or contaminated, replacement may be necessary.

To best protect your home and family, we also suggest...

 Retire your old Smoke Alarms!

Smoke Alarms work every minute of every day. After millions of sensing cycles, they should be retired. Replace your Smoke Alarms with new devices every 10 years.

 Plan and Practice Your Escape!

Children are at increased risk of dying in a home fire because they often become scared and confused when a fire erupts. Make sure your children recognize the sound of your home's Smoke Alarm and teach them to respond instinctively to its signal.

Make and *Practice* a Family Escape Plan!

Create at least two different escape routes from every room and practice them with the entire family. Be sure all family members know the lifesaving practice of crawling below the dangerously thick smoke and intense heat of a fire.

All capable members of the family must learn how to open windows and remove screens or security bars. Purchase, plan and practice using a collapsible emergency escape ladder that can be stored inside near upper floor windows. Realism is essential in your family's practice, as is your clear designation of a meeting place for everyone to gather outside the home in case of a fire or other emergency. Remember, this may be the only practice and discussion you will have before tragedy strikes!

When a fire occurs, don't delay! Get out quick and stay out!! Escape first, closing doors behind you if possible. Quickly gather at your meeting place and then notify the Fire Department by calling 9-1-1 from a safe location.

Your Firefighters are specially trained and equipped to rescue your family and pets, as well as to protect your possessions. Help your Firefighters by remaining together outside the home and directing them to endangered family or valuables.

 Install Fire Extinguishers! 

Learn the use and limitations of your Fire Extinguishers!

Install at least one fire extinguisher in or near your kitchen and know how to use it. We recommend multi- or all-purpose fire extinguishers that are listed by and carry the mark of an accredited testing agency such as Underwriters Laboratory. Read all instructions carefully and mount the fire extinguishers for easy access. Make sure adult members of your family know the proper use as well as the limitations of these important fire safety tools!

 Change Your Flashlight Batteries! 

Are your Flashlights ready and accessible?

Make sure your emergency flashlights work when you need them by using fresh high-quality batteries. It is a good idea to keep a working flashlight and a whistle near your bed, in the kitchen, basement and family room. You can use them to signal for help or direct rescuers in the event of a fire or other emergency.

We hope this simple list of tips from the Potsdam Fire Department will help keep your family safe. Please remember that fire prevention is your best course of action. We encourage you to learn more about fire and life safety by visiting the Potsdam Fire Department.

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Firehouse Solutions
Potsdam Fire Department
P.O. Box 756
42 Main Street
Potsdam, New York 13676
Emergency Dial 911
Station: (315) 265-3312
Fax: (315) 265-7738
E-mail: info@potsdamfire.org
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