2025 Incidents
January 59
February 65
Total 124

2024 Incidents
January 76
February 57
March 32
April 43
May 39
June 67
July 48
August 145
September 66
October 67
November 46
December 59
Total 745

2023 Incidents
January 50
February 59
March 31
April 52
May 47
June 42
July 42
August 42
September 57
October 66
November 56
December 32
Total 576

2022 Incidents
January 50
February 53
March 43
April 42
May 46
June 57
July 41
August 50
September 67
October 58
November 44
December 69
Total 620

2021 Incidents
January 27
February 30
March 41
April 33
May 53
June 37
July 62
August 61
September 61
October 58
November 36
December 68
Total 567

2020 Incidents
January 34
February 32
March 25
April 21
May 34
June 27
July 39
August 46
September 51
October 36
November 44
December 31
Total 420

2019 Incidents
January 47
February 45
March 40
April 37
May 41
June 35
July 62
August 36
September 62
October 54
November 53
December 47
Total 559

2018 Incidents
January 65
February 36
March 29
April 81
May 62
June 31
July 47
August 47
September 60
October 68
November 53
December 32
Total 611

2017 Incidents
January 30
February 44
March 53
April 53
May 46
June 53
July 60
August 50
September 62
October 54
November 53
December 38
Total 596

2016 Incidents
January 34
February 61
March 34
April 48
May 40
June 34
July 44
August 51
September 55
October 54
November 34
December 43
Total 532

Previous Incidents
2010 550
2011 524
2012 549
2013 534
2014 523
2015 538
2016 532
2017 596
2018 611
2019 559
2020 420
2021 567
2022 620
2023 576
2024 745

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Signed on April 13, 2017 at 7:51 AM
Name: Enamel
Web Address: ramsign.com
Location: Chicago

Dear Potsdam Fire Department - you have an amazing homepage which really gives a lot of insight in your work. I like that you post the incidents statistics right on your homepage!
It is really data, that is hard to find on other fire department homepages!
Also you pay a very high attention to detail for posting all the images and so on!

Keep up the good work!

Signed on January 28, 2017 at 11:47 PM
Name: Kent
Rank/Title: Firefighter
Web Address: charlieseat.com

Great website! Keep up the good work!

Signed on October 31, 2016 at 3:37 PM
Name: Derrick J Daniel
Rank/Title: Deputy Chief OSFR /State GFSTC HazMat Instructor
Web Address: Oldsalemfirerescue.com
Location: Greene County Ga.

If Christopher Hawley is still with your department please have him contact me in regards to some training materials he has online.

Signed on April 13, 2016 at 9:17 AM
Name: Chad
Location: Potsdam

I like the site, thanks for the work you guys do :)

Signed on September 10, 2014 at 8:45 PM
Name: Shannon Lints
Rank/Title: firefighter/co-webmaster
Web Address: www.canastotafire.org
Location: Canastota, NY

Great looking site! Look forward to a visit when I come up to visit my son at Clarkson.

Signed on July 22, 2014 at 10:06 AM
Name: Charlie davis
Web Address: fireserviceforum.com
Location: Florida

Really great looking site. Will check back often.

Signed on June 13, 2014 at 4:04 AM
Name: Heiko Jander
Rank/Title: lieutenant
Location: Potsdam Germany

Great website
please contact me at my email
greets from potsdam germany

Signed on September 14, 2013 at 7:54 PM
Name: Robert Lovell
Rank/Title: Captain
Web Address: coolspringsvfd.org
Location: Statesville NC

Great looking website!!!I am a captain with Cool Springs VFD in Statesville NC and we are in process of collecting patches for a patch wall at the firehouse. Our fireman's fund bought 500 of our patches to trade with other departments. In the past month of doing this we have collected over 200 patches from over the world and we would love to have your patch. If you could spare or trade a patch for our project, it would greaty be appeciated by the members of our department. If interested please send to

Cool Springs VFD

Attn: Capt. Robert Lovell

641 Mocksville Hwy

Statesville NC 28625

Thank you from all at CSVFD,

Capt. Robert Lovell


Signed on July 22, 2013 at 3:09 AM
Name: David
Rank/Title: Owner
Web Address: www.mypencil.com
Location: Burlington

Nice looking website, Great information. Keep up the good work you guys provide. Thank You...

Signed on June 23, 2013 at 3:01 PM
Name: Missy
Location: Tx

Hello, I wanted to thank all the men and women fire fighters for all you do, you are awesome,I wouldn't want to do your job,I'm glad you are there to do it.Thank you

Signed on May 24, 2013 at 1:24 PM
Name: Daniel Newton
Rank/Title: Chaplain/FF
Location: Horseheads NY

Greetings from Horseheads NY.
always good to stop by my ol home town and say hello

Signed on March 24, 2013 at 8:09 PM
Name: Pasquale Filosa
Rank/Title: Firefighter
Web Address: www.wsfd.com
Location: Oakdale , Long Island, New York

Hi Brothers of the Potsdam Fire Department,
I had the privelege of volunteering with you guys back in 1995 thru 1998. I was a student at Clarkson from sept. 1994 to May 1998. Jim Mason, Bob Robar and a bunch of other guys called me the "Fresh Air Kid" I checked out the website and its impressive to see how things have changed. I have been a FF down here on LI since i left Clarkson I'm currently serving with the West Sayville Fire Department.

Ask Chris Taylor about a certain barn fire in Canton where we got to swim in a nice pool cow s--t It was my first encounter with it and hopefully my last. I'll be in touch All of of you BE SAFE! - Pat Filosa

Signed on August 29, 2012 at 6:22 AM
Name: Jamie Gratton
Rank/Title: Chief
Location: Westville Fire Department

On behalf of the Westville Fire Department I would like to thank you for sending members and E-48 to our station on 8/25/12 for standby so our department could attend the funeral services for Tim Lamere. We are all very appreciative for the time you all took out of your busy lives to help us that day. If we can ever repay the favor, simply give a shout! Again, thank you all!

Signed on August 27, 2012 at 4:12 PM
Name: Kerstin and Michael

Nice greetings from Potsdam, Germany!!! All the best for you!!!!!

Signed on June 17, 2012 at 10:20 PM
Name: Alex
Rank/Title: Firefighter
Location: Farmingdale NY

Hey guys! I'll be attending SUNY Potsdam in the fall so I though I should pop by and say hi! keep up the good work and thank you for all you do!

Signed on May 19, 2012 at 4:22 PM
Name: Charles K. Brown
Rank/Title: Firefighter/Fire-Police/ (mostly to many to name)
Web Address: norwichfire.com
Location: Norwich,NY

Needed to stop in and say hello. nice station! Some day i'll get a tour.
I was picking up daughter at collage and needed to stop when you had a call !
Will trade a patch when i come back at the end of june.
Do you sell t-shirts ?

Signed on May 17, 2012 at 11:13 PM
Name: Richard Oliver
Rank/Title: FireFighter/CFR

My grandfather was a firefighter in Potsdam

Signed on April 22, 2012 at 11:15 PM
Name: Shane Messer
Rank/Title: firefighter
Location: Waynesville N.C

Hey guys great website. Was wondering if you're department sold tee shirts,if so I would like to buy one.Thanks.

Signed on April 10, 2012 at 4:50 PM
Name: Dan Stad
Web Address: www.todaystoronto.com
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Thank you for putting this site together :)

Dan from todaystoronto.com

Signed on April 09, 2012 at 2:36 PM
Name: Robert Ellis
Rank/Title: Firefighter
Location: Granville, NY

Awesome looking trucks, and congrats to Conor for Firefighter of the Year

Signed on January 14, 2012 at 11:50 AM
Name: Michael Brown
Rank/Title: 2nd Asst Chief
Location: Sauquoit, NY

Nice web site! You guy look to be are doing well. Alot has changed since I was a member of Hook & Ladder Co. 1 1994-1997. Hope to be up your way this summer to show the Department off to me three sons.

Signed on December 27, 2011 at 9:42 PM
Name: Aaron Farney, MD
Location: Albuquerque, NM

I was saddened to the hear of Al Grant's passing. He will be sorely missed by many. My thoughts are with the brothers & sisters of Potsdam Fire.

Signed on December 26, 2011 at 5:35 PM
Name: St. Regis Falls Vol. Fire Dept.
Web Address: www.srffire.com

Your web site is Awesome, can you update the link for our Dept. its new...

Signed on December 24, 2011 at 8:27 PM
Name: Henry
Rank/Title: Firemen
Web Address: www.feuerwehr-lwl.de
Location: Germany

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012 wish the firemen and women from Germany Ludwigslust

Signed on October 09, 2011 at 7:51 PM
Name: Wayne Smith
Rank/Title: Firefighter/ EMT
Location: Scotia NY

Will be moving up north as soon as my EMT class is finished and will be looking for a new department to join. hope to be working with you all soon.

Signed on July 15, 2011 at 12:50 AM
Name: Robert Balkun
Rank/Title: Firefighter/Paramedic
Location: New Haven Fire Department - CT

It's been a while since I've been up in Potsdam but it's good to see all you guys are doing pretty well...

Signed on May 05, 2011 at 4:36 PM
Name: Dean Lindeman
Rank/Title: Deputy Chief
Location: Northwest Fire District - Rockford, Illinois

Have visited your station several times. Love the fire pole. My wife is from Colton originally, We have a camp up on Rainbow out of South Colton.

Signed on April 17, 2011 at 9:39 PM
Name: Tim Payne
Rank/Title: FF/EMT
Location: Ithaca Fire Dept, NY

Hey boys! How is everyone? Was just thinking about the good old days. Myself, Marc (Mav - Bomber), and Mike Beach where members in 1991,1992,1993 while we were at Clarkson. Stay safe! If your ever down this way look me up.


Signed on March 23, 2011 at 5:47 PM
Name: Joe
Rank/Title: Fire Driver/Firefighter
Web Address: www.tupperlakefire.com
Location: Tupper Lake, NY

Great site, great pics, keep up the good work and stay safe out there!!

Signed on February 20, 2011 at 3:38 PM
Name: Chuck
Web Address: www.fdphotos.com
Location: Connecticut

Very nice site. Keep up the great work and stay safe.

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E-mail: info@potsdamfire.org
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