Dryer Fire at Hampton Inn
By Fire Driver Matthew Kroeger
June 30, 2023

On Friday, June 30th 2023 at 2128 Potsdam Fire Station received a call from an employee at the Hampton Inn reporting a fire in one of the dryers. Potsdam Fire Driver Matthew Kroeger toned the department and responded immediately, arriving on scene at 2131. Lieutenant Stephen Davis was already on scene and had established command. Lt. Davis reported that the fire appeared to be under control but was investigating. Members started to arrive on scene to assist in operations. R14 arrived chauffeured by Captain Brad Andrus. Firefighters cleared the burnt contents of the dryer into a chimney bucket and brought them outside to ensure extinguishment. A 200' 1.75" cross lay was pulled and put into place. At this time Lt. Davis requested a second tone for Potsdam Fire members to the scene and West Stockholm Fire Department to stand by at their station.

Due to the heavy smoke from the burnt items, firefighters put smoke ejectors into place to remove as much smoke as possible. Once the smoke was evacuated the alarm system was reset and the hotel patrons were allowed back inside the building. Potsdam Fire was back in service at 2259.

Units: E-49 (M. Kroeger), R-14 (B. Andrus)