On Wednesday, May 12th 2021, at 0836 hours, Potsdam Fire, Potsdam Rescue, and County Car 10 were dispatched to a report a two car motor vehicle accident at 106 Market Street, with unknown injuries and damage to a power pole. At the time of alarm, Engine 49, Chauffeured by Paid Driver Bob Pierce responded and arrived on scene at 0839 hours. It was found one vehicle had lost control while traveling north on Market Street and struck a pole head on at the corner of Larnard Street. The driver of the vehicle was transported to Canton-Potsdam Hospital by Potsdam Rescue. Firefighters provided traffic control until the vehicle was removed from the roadway from by North Country Oil Change. Also, firefighters used speedy dry to absorb fluids in the roadway. The scene was investigated by the Potsdam Police Department. At 0906 hours, Potsdam Fire was in service. |