On Friday, September 23rd 2022, Potsdam Fire was invited to SUNY Potsdam for their annual safety fair, where SUNY Potsdam students are able to attend fire extinguisher training, and see and discuss fire safety with fire officials on campus. A crew from Potsdam Fire attended and held a recruiting event to try to get new fire department members or mutual aid members. Potsdam Fire is constantly looking for dedicated individuals to join the fire department.
At roughly 330 PM, the college held a mock dorm burn with an engine crew from Potsdam Fire. During the mock dorm burn, an 8 X 12 wood-frame mock residence hall room complete with furniture and fixtures is burned to demonstrate fire safety procedures and tips. The room contains commonly found hazards and demonstrates the possible effects of unsafe behaviors. During the event, students were provided with fire safety tips and presentation by Past Fire Chief and State Fire Investigator Christopher Taylor.
The mock dorm was then lit where the fire quickly spread, activating the smoke detector and quickly reaching high heat at ceiling level. Within minutes, the room had reached flash over stage, at which point, firefighters moved in and extinguished the flames. |