On Tuesday, October 25th 2022, at 1239 hours, Potsdam Fire, Potsdam Rescue, and County Car 10 were dispatched behind the 1844 House on US Highway 11, for a reported hay baler on fire extending to the surrounding field. West Potsdam Fire was also dispatched to the scene as it lies on the border of the two response districts. At 1247 hours, Engine 80 (J. Keleher) responded and arrived on scene at 1250 hours with Rescue 30 (C. Corbett) and Tanker 100 (M. Bradish) arriving shortly thereafter. West Potsdam Fire responded with a tanker.
Firefighters stretched two 1 3/4" hose lines off Engine 80 and extinguished the fire quickly. Members sprayed down the field where the baler was sitting to ensure the fire did not spread in the dry grass. The baler was pulled apart and the fire completely extinguished. Potsdam Fire was in service at 1341 hours. |