Potsdam firefighters participated in an ice rescue training this morning put on by NYS DEC Forest Ranger Steve Ellis. Members from Hannawa Falls Fire, Potsdam PD, Potsdam Rescue, and County Car 10 joined in the training that consisted of an hourlong classroom session and several hours of hands on training at Postwood Park in Hannawa Falls. Members practiced throw bag skills, self rescue evolutions, different techniques to perform rescues with limited manpower, working in ice/cold water suits, and safe operation in and around ice/cold water incidents. Members benefitted from the experiences of Ranger Ellis and the different techniques used by the Forest Rangers when making a rescue with no or limited help. This type of interagency training in invaluable and provides and opportunity to work together and see what resources are available before and incident occurs. Potsdam Rescue provided an ambulance standby for the event as well.
Potsdam Fire
Mutual Aid:
Hannawa Falls Fire, Potsdam Rescue, Potsdam PD, County Car 10, NYS DEC Forest Ranger Elli